Mycelium Networks Leads NWA Into The Future

April 8, 2022

Sponsored by Mycelium Networks

Mycelium Networks Leads NWA Into The Future

Mycelium Networks

Fayetteville tech startup, Mycelium Networks is leading Northwest Arkansas into the future through the deployment of the Helium Network. 

  • Inspiring Innovation: Mycelium serves as a decentralized hub for anyone who wants to participate in the new technology platform that provides inexpensive, long-range connectivity to Internet of Things (IoT) devices. 
  • Community: IoT solutions look like safety systems on college campuses or remote trails, real-time livestock monitoring, and much more. IoT solutions have incredible potential for revolutionizing industries and everyday life, and there is a place for everyone in the Mycelium Ecosystem.

Stop by the Mycelium Networks table in the Pryor Center at Startup Junkie’s Startup Crawl on Friday night to learn more about the company, or visit  

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