Arkansas Aiming To Be Global Leader By 2030

February 25, 2022


Arkansas Aiming To Be Global Leader By 2030


We recently wrote about Northwest Arkansas’s place in the development of future technology, but here’s another stake hammered into the tent of our region - and now state's - global leadership position in next-generation transportation. 

  • Into the future: NWA is locked into the growing innovative group of businesses and organizations with the vision to create a Jetsons-like paradise. Yes, we’re talking flying cars, driverless vehicles, and drone deliveries. 
  • Leading the way: The Natural State is projected to benefit from the strong and healthy environment this next-generation technology will provide. Over 10,000 sustainable jobs in mobility technology are on the way to Arkansas, which has a goal to be the global leader by 2030.

Read the full story and learn more HERE

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