NWA Schools Improvise as CARES Act Funding Expires

January 5, 2021


NWA Schools Improvise as CARES Act Funding Expires

Starting in March 2020, the federal government passed the CARES Act, a COVID-19 relief package which guaranteed teachers at least 10 paid sick days off. Unless extended by the government, schools districts will have to handle the allocation of costs individually.

  • Rick Shaeffer, of the Springdale SD, says the next school board meeting will be Jan. 12 and will propose a plan that would allow any person in the district who has not used his or her 20 days to be able to use that up to June 30th. -KNWA/Fox24
  • The extension of the act would allow schools to receive help from the state again. As of now, there is no word on whether or not schools will have to make that decision.

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