Walmart Releases Q1 FY23 Earnings

May 20, 2022


Walmart Releases Q1 FY23 Earnings

NWA Daily

Walmart recently released its earnings for Q1 of the fiscal year 2023 which revealed much amidst a season of inflation and higher supply chain costs. 

  • Factors: The influx in costs coupled with higher-than-expected inventory and a rise in wage costs sent Walmart’s Q1 net income to 74-cents per share, down a 56-cent adjustment from investments and divestitures losses. 
  • Unusual environment: On May 17, the retailer’s stock saw the worst single-session performance since 1987, falling by over 11%. However, Q1 sales remained strong despite missing expectations. Walmart U.S. had $96.9 billion in sales, up 4% from a year ago.

For the full report and an updated outlook at Q2, click HERE

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